This committee is charged with reviewing applications for Associate or Allied membership prior to submission to the Board of Directors for approval; representing the views of the Associate and Allied Members to the Board of Directors and membership; in general promoting the welfare of the Associate and Allied Members of the association; and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors. All seats on this committee are elected positions.
Clint Guth - Chair
Jay Lieske - Vice-Chair
Dan Besserer
Kimberlee Bissegger
This committee reviews and updates the nominations documents for the annual Awards and participates in the blind judging of the nominees, as well as facilitating the distribution of annual prizes .
Mike Waters - Chair
Dave Dorr
This committee reviews the Bylaws of the Association annually and advises the Board of any changes needed. This committee also draws up any changes and submits them to the Board for approval.
Mike Waters - Chair
Jodi Merritt
This committee works on the planning of the annual convention. They will meet several times a year via Zoom during the planning stages. They will also meet once at the host hotel to check out convention space, banquet space and meet with the staff on site. The Committee Chair reports to the Board with all updates.
Mike Waters - Chair
Tom Giddens
Charles Williams
Chris Riddington
Michael Giddens
Lisa Allen
Juan Lepe
Jay Lietzke
Megan White
This committee works on planning member meetings throughout the year and provides input to the board and membership as appropriate on major safety concerns that arise within the industry.
Charles Williams - Co-Chair
Kimberlee Bissegger - Co-Chair
Eric Gregory
Michael Giddens
Kevin Fischer
This committee works closely on reviewing new bills being introduced in the State Assembly and Senate, as well as regulatory issues such as CARB and SPAB regulations and concerns. They advise the Board as to which bills we should watch closely and provide information to the Board on anything that the membership needs to be kept apprised of.
Terry Fischer - Co-Chair
Chris Riddington - Co-Chair CARB
Robert Saucedo - Co-Chair SPAB
Eric Gregory
Samantha Onnen
Jasmine Sayah
Mark Stewart
Mike Waters
This committee plans and executes the annual Maintenance Seminar and may provide input on major maintenance issues that arise within the industry.
Charles Williams - Chair
Rigo Gonzalez
Robert Hitt
Juan Lepe
Wendell Merritt
This committee works on promoting and increasing membership. They work on small regional Meet & Greets of non-members to inform them on the benefits of a CBA membership. Any plans are presented to the Board for approval.
Juan Lepe - Chair
Jodi Merritt
Kevin Creighton
Clint Guth
Dave Dorr
Mike Laffan
Robert Saucedo
This committee meets when something of interest with National & State Parks or Attractions occurs which affects the motorcoach industry and is tasked to work with the entity to come to a resolution. This committee reports their findings to the Board and keeps them updated.
Jasmine Sayah - Chair
Lisa Allen
Denise Demery
Michael Giddens
This committee works with the Executive Director with any technology related issues and social media plans. They submit their plans to the Board and the Executive Director for approval.
Michael Giddens - Chair
Landon Ebmeyer
Eric Gregory
Jodi Merritt
Robert Saucedo